The Best Eye Contact Love Story…

© Author: Saurav Singh Rathore 2017 We were about to meet, for the very first time, after a year or two of chatting and talking on phone calls. Yes, it was a long distance relationship which started on social media and dragged itself for full two years, if I remember good. Since we were meeting…

Should We Speak The Truth, Every time?

After all, it is understood that relationships are founded on “trust” which goes hand in hand with “truth”. Indeed, telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. Always.

What’s it like to have an unrequited love?

You’ll never know the amount I have taken cover behind this word, Friend. My universe of dreams just had you, always. How might it be able to have another person ever, when you were the only thing I ever wished for?

My Best Internship

OverView: Life has never been simple for us, in the event that it was, it wouldn’t have been worth living for. *Long ago, about 23 years ago (On Earth’s calendar) *Day 774 (Before Internship started) I was sitting discreetly at a place not so well known, but rather sufficiently alone to hear myself. As I…

She Taught Him Forevers But Not To Stay

He never knew love, maybe he never wanted to. Maybe he wouldn’t have written any of this if it stayed that same way. But as we know, changes are necessary in life and so did they happen. She taught him forevers but not to stay.   She came in his life, nothing less than a…

When She Came

Her presence was miracle, her idea divine; It took me a long time to believe, that she was mine. Things started making sense, the happiness on my face was real; Her love had the power for all my wounds to heal. I was surprised, afraid to have it all at once in my life; There’s…

To Every Soul Out There!

Learn to accept and respect that everyone, I repeat EVERYONE has their own weird sweetstory in this small beautiful world. How will it help me? Well, life is tough on almost each one of us, right? So, by understanding that everyone has their own strong reasons to be the way they are, you can help yourself as well as them. It feels better when someone reciprocates to…

How to overcome disappointment after failure?

Firstly, accept that you’re a failure. Accept it until you believe it. Accept it that someone else did it better than you. You didn’t do it but you could have. Realize that there was a difference. So, what’s the difference? Let’s take a walk today. Get out of your room and don’t carry this mobile…

India : USA

On the behalf of an Indian. Blend Of Differences: We try to excel in a foreign language lifelong (English) whereas they try to excel in their own (mother tongue). We are still obsessed with black and white while they already had one Obama (who is an epic). We materialize education (with that population, one can’t expect any better), they materialize Ideas. Some…

Little Things

You never know, when and where you can prove a blessing to someone. There are little things which we never notice but can work wonders. For example, Learn to say, “I believe in you.” It’s possible that someone was just about to give up on their passion. They were forced to think that they were not…

Is opening doors for girls, right?

As far as I can observe, people always take the easy route to answer this. Well, let me try a different and more realistic hand here. So, I’ll start with some questions for you, and then we’ll try to trace out the answers together. Sounds cool, right? Okay, let’s get rolling then. Answer this! Let’s…

Why do we need love?

We’re Humans designed to possess feelings. Firstly, I believe that many people don’t even know what’s love. So, let’s try to answer firstly that what does love feels like and then we’ll move to what love exactly is. That candy of strong sensation, sedation, addiction, pain, happiness, excitement, fear defines the feeling of love. All those strong feelings…

First Love…?

I know things were not good between us. Not as good as they used to be initially. I know it’s long since we stopped talking but that won’t any way fade my love for you. It won’t faint a single piece of memory we made together. I have it all intact.

Anything would work

Often the voice of rain sounds sweet, the smell is what enthralls us at times. The sunset often seems more beautiful than any other day. The winds blow a little sweeter than the day before. And then happiness knocks your door. Life has never been easy, I guess we never wanted it that way. We…

Why are most people nowadays unsatisfied?

Why are humans not satisfied with their lives? Missing words from original question- most, people, nowadays. I’m sure many of you have already figured the direction in which my answer will be pointing to. No one is satisfied in their lives. No, neither you nor me. Not even the richest person in the world. It’s human…